Pizza bianco

pizza bianco with Greenway balls

STEP 1 Preheat the oven to 180° hot air (or 200° top and bottom heat). STEP 2 Mix the butternut slices, mushrooms and red onion with some olive oil, Provencal herbs, pepper and sea salt. Also mix the chipolata pieces with a little olive oil. STEP 3 Remove the pizza bases from the package and roll out on two [...]

Thai 'just like chicken' satay with peanut sauce  

STEP 1 Start by making a marinade. Mix the coconut milk with the red curry paste, chopped ginger, garlic, a dash of soy sauce and the cane sugar. Mix the fillet pieces with the marinade. Then thread the fillet pieces onto skewers. STEP 2 For the peanut sauce, simply mix all the ingredients together until smooth. STEP 3 Grill [...]

Texas BBQ burger

Preheat the oven to 100°. STEP 1 Mix the tomato pieces with the red onion, chili pepper, lime juice and avocado pieces. Season with salt and pepper. STEP 2 Grill or fry the burger for 1 minute and 15 seconds on each side with a little grease on medium [...].

Greenway gourmet burger

Classic Gourmet burger with Greenway burger

STEP 1 Preheat the oven to 100°. Grill or fry the burger for 1 minute and 15 seconds on each side with a little grease over medium heat. STEP 2 Cut the buns in half and heat in the oven for a few minutes. STEP 3 Fry the onion rings in a little fat until [...]

Indian Tikka Masala with balls

tikka masala with balls

STEP 1 Heat some oil in a saucepan and sauté the chopped onion until golden brown. STEP 2 Add the ginger, garlic and remaining spices to the onion and sauté over low heat. STEP 3 Add the tomato pieces and simmer for another 10 minutes. STEP 4 Mix in the yogurt, almond paste and broccoli balls [...].

Wraps with spinach falafel

STEP 1 Thinly slice the red onion, yellow bell bell pepper, zucchini and peppers.Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. You can easily do this by cutting the pomegranate in 2 and patting on back with a tablespoon. This way the seeds will fall out nicely! STEP 2 Mix the yogurt with [...]

WAP* (*wurst - applesauce - French fries)

STEP 1 Peel potatoes and boil until tender in lightly salted water. Drain. STEP 2 Fry the sausages in some fat. Serve the fried sausages with applesauce and boiled potatoes. STEP 3 Voilà, that's all it needs to be.

Tomato soup with veggie balls

STEP 1 Turn the Greenway Minced Meat into small soup balls. When doing this, do not push the minced meat too firmly to get fluffy balls. STEP 2 Fry the balls in some fat in a pan and add them to the tomato soup.   

Cheezy pasta with veggie balls and mushrooms

cheezy pasta with Greenway meatballs

STAP 1 Meng de eerste 8 ingrediënten voor de balletjes. Proef en kruid bij. Rol 8 à 10 balletjes, afhankelijk van de grootte. STAP 2 Bak de balletjes op middelhoog vuur in een pan met wat olie. Kook ondertussen de pasta gaar. Bewaar een kopje kookvocht. STAP 3 Haal de balletjes uit de pan wanneer […]


goulash with Greenway Filet pieces "Just like chicken"

STAP 1 Laat de vetstof opwarmen en stoof de sautémix en paprikastrips. Voeg vervolgens het water en de groentebouillon toe en kook de groenten beetgaar. STAP 2 Voeg de tomatenstukjes, het paprikapoeder en de filetstukjes toe. Laat nog 15 minuten sudderen op een zacht vuur. Kruid met peper en zout.