Cordon bleu pizzaiola

Greenway cordon bleu pizzaiola with pasta and bantam tomatoes

STEP 1 Sauté the shallot pieces in the fat. Add the cherry tomatoes, capers, pitted olives, garlic puree and herbs. Simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes. STEP 2 Place the cordon bleus on baking sheets, spraying them with a little grease if necessary. STEP 3 Bake them for 10 to 12 minutes [...]

Cordon bleu pizzaiola

Greenway cordon bleu pizzaiola with pasta and bantam tomatoes

STEP 1 Put a saucepan of hot water on the stove to cook the pasta. STEP 2 Then start cutting up the vegetables: cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters, halve the olives and finely chop the garlic and onion. Put the olive oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion [...].

The best vol-au-vent

vol au vent with Greenway Filet pieces "Just like chicken" and greenway balls

STEP 1 Preheat the oven according to the directions on the package of the puff pastry patties. Bake the patties just before serving. STEP 2 Melt the butter in a large-area casserole over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté until glazy and the edges are golden brown. STEP 3 Add the mushrooms [...].

Fillet chunks with 'fine champagne' sauce

Greenway fillet pieces with fine champagne sauce

STEP 1 Start with the sauce. Finely chop the shallots, garlic and chicory. Cut the mushrooms into half slices. STEP 2 Melt the fat in a pan and sauté the shallot in it. Add the garlic and fry for a while. Then add the finely chopped chicory and mushrooms, the [...]

Greenway Classic burger

Classic Gourmet burger with Greenway burger

Preheat the oven to 100°. STEP 1 Grill or fry the burger for 1 minute and 15 seconds on each side with a little grease over medium heat. STEP 2 Cut the buns in half and heat in the oven for a few minutes. STEP 3 Fry the onion rings in a little fat until [...].

Veggie balls in tomato sauce

Greenway meatballs in tomato sauce

STEP 1 Finely chop the onions and brunoise (dice) the carrots, zucchini and fennel. STEP 2 Heat the fat and stew all the vegetables together with the tomato pieces, stock and herbs. Let simmer for about ten minutes over low heat with a lid. STEP 3 Add the Greenway meatballs to the sauce. [...]

Stuffed tomato

stuffed tomato with Greenway minced meat and. potatoes

Preheat the oven to 180°. STEP 1 Mix the Greenway minced meat with chopped red onion, white celery, chili powder, garlic and parsley STEP 2 Hollow out the tomatoes and stuff them with the mixture. Drizzle with olive oil and finish with some salt and pepper. STEP 3 Let cook for 25 minutes [...]

Veggie loaf with mashed potatoes and cherries

Greenway meatloaf with mashed potatoes and cherries

Preheat the oven to 170°. STEP 1 Chop the onion and mix it with the minced meat, parsley and some salt and pepper. Knead into a minced sandwich. STEP 2 Grease a baking dish with some soy butter or olive oil and place your meatloaf in the dish. Pour some more olive oil or (melted) [...]

Greenway burger with Moroccan carrots and couscous salad

Greenway gourmet burger with Moroccan carrots and couscous salad

STEP 1 Steam the carrot slices until tender and fry them in butter with the fresh mint and raz el hanout. STEP 2 For the couscous salad, mix the taboule with the hot water, olive oil, tomato pieces, cucumber, bell bell pepper, mint, cilantro, spring onion, pepper and salt. STEP 3 Fry the burgers in the pan [...]