Privacy Policy

At Delifresh/Greenway, your privacy is paramount. We value the protection of your personal data and process it in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and other applicable legislation.

1. What data do we collect?

We collect only information necessary to provide our services, including:

Contact information (name, e-mail address, phone number).
Billing and payment information.
Other information you voluntarily provide to us.

2. Why do we collect data?

Your data is processed with the following purposes:

Delivering and improving our services.
Managing orders, quotations and invoicing.
Communication about our products and services.

3. How will your data be kept?

We keep your information in a secure manner and do not share it with third parties unless:

This is required by law.
It is necessary to perform our services (for example, with a transportation company).

4. Your rights

You have the right to:

Review, correct or delete your information.
Object to the processing of your data or withdraw your consent.
File a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (GBA).

5. Contact information

For questions or requests regarding your personal data, please contact us:

Delifresh BV
Nederkouter 42, 9000 Ghent

Changes to this policy will be posted on this page.
Latest update: 22/11/2024